Customer Relations & Client Sensitivity

for Transit Drivers, General Staff, and Supervisors

Customer Relations & Client Sensitivity for the Transit Driver

  This interactive program is designed to involve the drivers in a discussion of the problems faced by all providers of private or public transportation along with different solutions and avenues.

Covered topics include:
“Sending a Positive Attitude”
“Dressing for the Job”
“Dealing with Older Passengers”
“A Day on the Road as a Professional Driver”
“Communicating with Passengers with Disabilities”
“Dealing with the Rider’s Family”
“Disruptive Passengers”
“Physical and Non-Physical Self Defense”
Things a Driver Can and Cannot Do”

The client may choose the topics to cover.

Programs available from four to six hours.

  Course content can also be customized to meet the demands of the client, or to cover special issues.  For example, delivery or utility truck drivers will see an advanced “Backing” section.  Drivers in certain geographical areas may require the “Flood Zones” section while some clients request an expanded “Driver Attitude” section.

Customer Relations & Client Sensitivity for the General Staff and Supervisors

  This interactive program is designed to involve the employees in a discussion of problems faced by all providers of service to the general public along with different solutions and avenues.  This program also addresses ways to deal with the problems that can arise between employees.

Covered topics include:
“Sending a Positive Attitude”
"Internal and External Customers"
“Dressing for the Job”
“Dealing with Older Customers”
“Communicating with Customers with Disabilities”
“Dealing with Other Employees”
“Disruptive Customers”
“Using and Reading: Tone of Voice and Facial Expressions”
“Things an Employee Can and Cannot Do”

The client may choose the topics to cover.

Programs available from four to six hours.








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